Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hurry, hurry 2009!

So I'm just cleaning and hanging out...James is out and it's nice and quiet here. Not doing much today except my parents are coming for dinner....nice and simple. I don't like to go out on New Year's....way too many people.

So this year was not the greatest for me and James. My uncle died last month which was really sad...I loved him and will miss him, no matter what his problems. We all have flaws and sometimes it's hard but when it's someone you love, it's easy to overlook them. Anyhow it has been a tough year. I went thru 2 jobs and a terrible summer of anxiety & health problems and am finally starting to feel better. James has been out of work since October 17th which really sucks. I have to pat myself on the back here for being such a thrifty saver...we've actually been ok, even tho I only work 2 days a week and James is only getting still sucks but we can't really complain.

I hope that 2009 is a lot better...I'll be 27 next year which blows my mind. I'm going to take a few classes and try to get closer to transferring to SF State sometime....maybe once James is a journeyman and I can take a break from working....

I have lots of things planned for the new year already. A big 30th anniversary party for my parents in June, Tony & Megan's wedding party in June, a couple weekends at the lake, a trip to Cache Creek for our anniversary (we're going to play golf there!) and then Rachel's the super cool bridal shower I get to host.

All in all I pray that 2009 is a lot better and things turn around some.....hopefully.

Got to go clean the bathroom and kitty boxes before everyone gets here.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

My First Post

Saturday night, not much going on. We're watching Band of Brothers DVDs which I got James for Christmas. After the busy week I'm happy not to do anything. We played 9 holes of golf yesterday which was fun, it was my first time. It was nice to go with James and just play without worrying about anyone watching or criticizing. Today we cleaned up the apartment some and went down to the adoption fair to have the foster cats looked at.

So anyway...I like to blog and I was blogging on livejournal but I haven't done that in a while. Most of the time I'm too busy to remember it LOL.

Gonna go back to my book now and lay down tired!