Tuesday, February 24, 2009


At work, nothing to do again. I am so tired and stressed out. I wish I could go home. I have an exam tomorrow in my anth. class that I need to study for. I am caught up on the reading and stuff but there will be specific questions from each article we've done so far.....she made it sound pretty tough. Also we have this deal going on at the Franciscan, which is really GOOD but stressful too. We'll be moving which sucks and having to clean up the apartment. Thankfully it's not that bad. I just need to patch up nail holes and clean the kitchen/bathroom. Everywhere else is really clean, thanks to my OCD :)
Speaking of which my anxiety is high again right now. I refused to take meds so I just have to ride it out. According to my doc it's an "organic" problem, meaning a chemical imbalance. But who doesn't have some kind of imbalance? When it's like this I just need to avoid crowded & hot places, take time for myself, and try to get my exercise in every day. UGH though it's so hard because it keeps me up at night, then I can't wake up in the AM, can't concentrate, can't eat, etc. I'm hoping it's just due to all this stress right now of moving and stuff.
Luckily we're near the end...we signed the closing docs. last week and now we're just waiting for the final inspection and we should get the keys. Even tho it's a "manufactured" home it's OURS for less per month than what we pay for the damn apartment and I'm getting pretty frickin tired of our neighbors and the property management anyhow.
It's a 2 BD just like the apt. with a small yard and it's own washer/dryer....which will really help me out. Now I don't have to run around trying to get laundry done without other people touching it or taking it out of the machines! Thank God!
I can't wait to go home...5 1/2 hours to go, and 1 hour of that is my lunch. Then it's home to study study study. Also maybe some more packing. LOL

Friday, February 13, 2009


So gloomy out. I want to go home and just read my book. Or work on the mountain of classwork I have. Our friend Bryan came over last night which was ok, but he stayed until after1 AM and I had to be up at 6:30 today. So I didn't get any homework done. Tomorrow and Sunday both way too busy for homework. I guess maybe tonight. I'm cooking a few things for the party tomorrow tho. Lots of my relatives are coming from down south. They have been closer since my uncle Larry died. Every time I come to work I pass by that shitty motel that he checked into on the night he died and also the restaurant he ate at. It is hard not to think about it. I feel so bad for my grandparents. ALtho he made his own choices and just drank himself to death. He died with a .46 BAC. Luckily he didn't have a driver's license or anything, because he drank like this all the time.

Oh well. Gloomy weather makes gloomy thoughts for me. Plus the fact that I'm so bored here. I finished all my work before lunch and now I just have to SIT until 5:30. Seems such a waste of time.

Oh well!

Monday, February 9, 2009


My sister bought her wedding dress tonight. It's so pretty! It's really fancy and puffy. Just right for the church. Of course now I feel like my dress will be too understated.....but Rachel likes it, so I like it. LOL. I got my dress on clearance at David's Bridal (still pretty pricey...) and can't return it. Anyway I'm really excited because my sister looks soooo pretty in it.....more later. Got to go get on my exercise machine so I can still fit in my dress come September :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Yucky cold, go away!

I have a terrible head cold. I have intense pressure in my face and my chest hurts...all the usual stuff. James is at class so I've been online working on stuff for my parents' big surprise party (which is, as of yet, still a surprise) and my sister's bridal shower. At least for my parents' party my sister is helping...but she can't help with her own bridal shower! I think that her shower will be a bridal tea, a ladies only gathering. Much more fun that way. I think I'm going to order catering from Westborough Deli (YUM)- finger sandwiches (so good), salad and antipasto. Then I'm getting a St. Honore cake (a very fancy French cake) and lots of other sweets and goodies and of course...tea! It sounds really neat and fun. My bridal shower ended up just being more like a birthday party it seemed like. Of course it was fun anyway though...but way too many people and it was just crazy.

I also am like 50% of the way there on the favors for the shower and I already have the invites. So I'm doing pretty good. I've got a rental for that day, in the Parish Hall of the church where I used to work. The Pastor's letting me rent it for free.

I just wish this cold was gone! I have so many things to do this weekend- bake sale, pet sitting, etc....and I feel like crap!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Big things...

So we're working on something big right now....I'm hoping it turns out the way we want it to. My anthropology class is going great, really interesting. Tomorrow is James' birthday. We probably will go out to dinner. We already had some little parties on the weekend so....

Then Valentine's day we're having a big get-together for my Grandpa's bday. I don't really care that it's on Valentine's day because we don't really celebrate...we love each other every day of the year and try to avoid only focusing on the "hallmark" holidays. St. Valentine was a real person who was martyred, but other than that there is no real reason for Valentine's day to be a "romantic" holiday. Anyhow that's what I learned in one of my cultural anthro. classes a couple years ago. Therefore I don't get too worried about the whole gift exchange/whatever. So I would much rather have a family thing on that day. Lots of relatives we don't see that often and stuff.

This Saturday I'm hosting a bake sale for Humanimal Connection, the cat rescue. So I'm going to be baking/cooking every night this week LOL. I'm making brownies, brownies w/walnuts, sugar cookies, chocolate dipped pretzels, and handmade candy. Lots of work but for a good cause. So anyone reading this, come down to San Mateo Pet & Feed in Redwood City (on El Camino) and buy some sweets for a good cause! Sat., 2/7 10 AM- 2 PM.


I'm so bored at work, I finished all my tasks before lunch! Can't wait to go home. Lots of homework reading to do tonight while James is at class........