Friday, February 13, 2009


So gloomy out. I want to go home and just read my book. Or work on the mountain of classwork I have. Our friend Bryan came over last night which was ok, but he stayed until after1 AM and I had to be up at 6:30 today. So I didn't get any homework done. Tomorrow and Sunday both way too busy for homework. I guess maybe tonight. I'm cooking a few things for the party tomorrow tho. Lots of my relatives are coming from down south. They have been closer since my uncle Larry died. Every time I come to work I pass by that shitty motel that he checked into on the night he died and also the restaurant he ate at. It is hard not to think about it. I feel so bad for my grandparents. ALtho he made his own choices and just drank himself to death. He died with a .46 BAC. Luckily he didn't have a driver's license or anything, because he drank like this all the time.

Oh well. Gloomy weather makes gloomy thoughts for me. Plus the fact that I'm so bored here. I finished all my work before lunch and now I just have to SIT until 5:30. Seems such a waste of time.

Oh well!

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